Leixoes SC vs Sporting CP

Leixoes SC vs Sporting CPLeixoes SCSporting CP

🏐 2024-02-11 – Campeonato Nacional


Leixoes SC vs Sporting CP Match Previews

The match between Leixoes SC and Sporting CP which will be played in Campeonato Nacional league, is due to start at 16:00 GMT on 2024-02-11. The home team comes to this match with 5 wins in the last 8 matches played, while Sporting CP has 8 wins in the last 8 games played.

If we compare the last 4 meetings between Leixoes SC and Sporting CP we notice that Leixoes SC has managed 0 victories at home and Sporting CP has 1 victories while playing away.

Leixoes SC is ranked on 3 place in the domestic league, while Sporting CP is ranked 2. For the current season, we also have average sets for and against:

  • Leixoes SC has an average score of 1.3 sets for per game, and 1.9 sets against
  • Sporting CP has an average score of 2.3 sets for per game, and 0.4 sets against

Leixoes SC vs Sporting CP Head-to-Head Results

Below is a table that shows the results of the 4 most recent head-to-head meetings between Leixoes SC and Sporting CP:

Date Results
2024-01-06 Sporting CP 3 – 1 Leixoes SC
2023-10-28 Sporting CP 3 – 1 Leixoes SC
2023-04-22 Sporting CP 3 – 1 Leixoes SC
2023-04-15 Leixoes SC 0 – 3 Sporting CP

While the above table only lists the results for the last 4 matches, you can visit the page on VolleyballStats247 for more game results and head-to-head statistics for Leixoes SC vs Sporting CP, with current team form, league stats and average scores.

Leixoes SC vs Sporting CP Predictions

We can quickly look at the H2H results of Leixoes SC vs Sporting CP along with league stats to calculate the probable final results for this volleyball meeting in Campeonato Nacional.

Leixoes SC vs Sporting CP Betting Tips

Based on the H2H statistics and form data, our sistem made the prediction for the Leixoes SC vs Sporting CP match in Campeonato Nacional 2024-02-11. To see our match winner betting tips, click on the Reveal Prediction button.

Leixoes SC vs Sporting CP Betting Tips

Based on the H2H statistics and form data, our sistem made the prediction for the Leixoes SC vs Sporting CP match in Campeonato Nacional 2024-02-11. To see our match winner betting tips, click on the Reveal Prediction button.

Before betting on the winner of the match, we recommend that you review more detailed stats. It is best to check the statistics by yourself with data provided by VolleyballStats247.com and official league websites and select the best betting options.

Which are the best bookmakers to bet on Leixoes SC vs Sporting CP game?

Below are some recommended websites that allow you to place match winner bets on Leixoes SC vs Sporting CP, as well as other betting markets such over/under, 1st set winner, and so forth:

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These operators are recommended based on industry experience and user reviews. These bookmakers also offer sign-up bonuses to new customers, which is great for betting on volleyball, soccer, handball, and other sports. Bet responsibly. 18+. Disclaimer: We are also under advertising deals with these recommended betting websites.

What are your comments and predictions on Leixoes SC vs Sporting CP match?